2011年4月5日 星期二


恶魔今天小小的战胜了天使。在上班的路上, 这一段话不断的重复: 当妻子對丈夫越爱, 丈夫就越忠, 当丈夫對妻子越爱, 妻子就越不忠. 忠诚真的很重要吗?

2010年4月8日 星期四

Weird weather, weird day

Vancouver must have gone through at least 3 seasons in one day today. We had storm like wind early morning and spring like sunshine mid day and winter like temperature in the evening. Much the same as my day. I owe to learn how not to be affected by other's criticisms as much as I am now. Not that everyone can affect my emotion but those who I consider as friends, who are my direct families could easily trigger my mood swing without them knowing.

2010年4月7日 星期三

Uncertainty leads to anxiety

Does uncertainty lead to anxiety? You bet it does. With the unknown situation at work, it is easy for an individual to lose sight of what's important and instead focus on things that one has absolutely no control of.

Not my first blog

I've been on the Internet for more than decade now and this is the first time I actually sit down and write a blog. This is a test blog, so it's meant to be plain. Imagine the very first line of code for "Hello World" was created. I can't imagine how proud that person was, but I am pretty sure he/she mush have been pretty stoked.